Within IF PLATFORM section of ROMANIAN CREATIVE WEEK 2022, the Fashion Design Department of UAD Cluj-Napoca presents a GROUP SHOW with two collections by BA and MA students who, through the years, have had success at several national and international events / contests.


The 3rd Year students’ group collection is composed of a relevant and representative selection, which reflects the vision of 2022’s generation.

Past, present, future – is a triad intrinsically tied to the students’ exploration.

The items are part of the BA collections, with themes that revolve around subjects such as: sustainability, communication with nature, identities of urban cultures and subcultures and, also, trends / currents in contemporary art.

Childhood universe seen as a secure imaginary space, the magic of tales, images and symbols of divine, celestial creatures are themes and concepts innovatively interpreted of each participating student.

Coordinators: Professor PhD Anca Pia Rusan, Lecturer PhD Smaranda Almășan

The prototypes of the collection are made in Atelier UAD.

MA, 2nd YEAR

MA Student: Eszter Pentek 

The shapes of childhood and the colours of tales were the most important sources of inspiration in the creative process. The collection presents a personal, nostalgic vision, and through the design and execution I got closer to defining of my own journey. Hyperreality is actually a perception, a reflection of the outside world in the human consciousness. Images are perceived as reality itself, but these “realities” are the product of imagination, ingenuity and fantasy. My collection attempts to find parallels between art, fashion and social/psychological issues in the age of hyperreality.

Coordinator: Professor PhD Anca Pia Rusan