Sebastien Koma / Sebastian Comănescu

New Media Artist/Designer born in Iași, currently living and practicing in Bucharest.

He is a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at UAUIM Bucharest and he has a Master’s degree in Interactive Technologies for Performing Arts and Media at the CINETic department of UNATC in 2021. After professional experiences gained as a designer in Bucharest and London as well as collaborations with designers in Poland and the Netherlands he founded his own studio in 2020.

He works in various environments in which he seeks to introduce a technological substrate: objects – “Pulp”, “Drift”, artificial micro-ecosystems – “Myosotis Electricus”, architectural installations in public space – “A house made of Each Other”, “Sowing Futures”, interactive projections – “Butterflies et al.”, “Planetcity Poetry”, telepresence – “Quantum Polytopes”

His working methodology consists of taking, analysing and simulating natural forms and phenomena which are then translated into computationally informed designs using digital fabrication methods.

His work has been presented at:

Galateca Gallery, Creart Gallery, NOVA Festival, Ars Electronica, Binar, Romanian Creative Week, Romanian Design Week, BIOS, Amural, Street Delivery,