Monday, May 23rd


Guided tour of architecture and urbanism in the central area of Iasi municipality

19.00 - 20.30

"SHARE Friends Evening: Architecture". Museum "Vasile Pogor" Iasi - Casa Junimii

The role and importance of cultural spaces in the life of the city. Innovation in public buildings and efficient design

Special guest: arch. Kristoff Ingarden – founder Ingarden & Ewa Architects, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University (AFMKU)

Notable projects: ICE Kraków Congress Centre (2014), Małopolska Garden of Arts (2012), Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in collaboration with Japanese architect Arata Isozaki (1994), Polish Embassy in Tokyo (2001), Polish Pavilion at EXPO 2005 in Aichi (2005), and a host of sites in Kraków. 

Architectural film screening: ”The idea is paramount. The architectural passions of Andrzej Wajda.” Producer: arh. Kristoff Ingarden      

”The Architectural Passions of Andrzej Wajda” reveals the hitherto unknown interests of a remarkable filmmaker, Andrzej Wajda. However, it is not a biographical film, but a story about passion, architecture and fascination with the culture of Japan and the Far East. Andrzej Wajda, winner of the Academy Award and the Golden Bear for his entire body of work, and winner of the European Film Award and the Golden Lion for his entire career, has for many years devoted a large part of his creative energy to architecture. The documentary is an attempt to capture this relationship – from his admiration for this art form to his substantial contribution to the process of creating new buildings in Krakow. The starting point of the documentary were conversations between the filmmaker and an architect Krzysztof Ingarden, dubbed by Wajda himself as conversations between an enthusiast and an architect. Their collaboration began in 1987 and developed into a long-lasting friendship that led to the development of joint architectural projects. This led to innovative buildings such as the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology, designed by Japanese artist Arata Isozaki, and Pawilon Wyspiańskiego, designed by Krzysztof Ingarden. In the film we witness the process of shaping the ideas for the new buildings, watch hand-drawn designs and learn about the details of their implementation.

Tuesday, May 24th

International Architecture and Urbanism Conference "New Iasi Architecture"
Central theme: Heritage

Part I
Voievozilor Hall, Palace of Culture

Moderator: arh. Alexandra Stoica - Head of design workshop at the National Heritage Institute, certified specialist in the field of historical monuments

9.00 – 9.15

Registration / Welcome coffee

9.15 – 9.30

Official opening. Speeches by partners and organisers

9.30 - 11.20

Session 1

arh. Mihai Drișcu - President of OAR Iași
arh. Orsolya Mária KÖVÉR, Advisor to the Minister of Public Works, Development and Administration
Iulius Group - presentation
arh. Kristoff Ingarden - Founder Ingarden & Ewy Architects, Krakow

11.20 - 11.40

Coffee break

11.40 - 13.25

Sesiunea II

arh. Ștefan Balici, Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest
arh. Iulia Stanciu - Founder Starh Office, Bucharest - 112 Patrimony
arh. Eugen Pănescu - Planwerk Cluj Napoca
arh. Orsolya Mária KÖVÉR, Advisor to the Minister of Public Works, Development and Administration
arh. Gilma Teodora Gylytė - Chief Architect / Founding Partner, Vilnius

13.25 - 14.00

Extended Coffee Break

14.00 - 15.45

Sesiunea III

Eng. Dragoș Marcu - Partner Popp & Asociații, Bucharest, Romania
arh. Pușcaș Cristian - Founder Studio Pușcaș, Oradea
arh. Köllő Miklós - Founder Larix Studio, Miercurea Ciuc
dr. eng. Ovidiu MIHALACHE, Fire Safety Engineer, 3M Expertizări e Verificări Construcții
arh. Andreas Vardas - Founder Vardas Studio, Paphos

Part II
The Great Hall of Iasi City Hall, Roznovanu Palace

16.30 -19.00

Conference conclusions, debates, free talks

Wednesday, May 25th

Part I
Congress Hall, Palas

9.30 - 13.30

Regional Architecture Meeting Moldova 2022 - R.A.M. 2022, Project Jury

Part II
Museum "Vasile Pogor" Iasi - Casa Junimii

17.00 – 18.30

"SHARE Friends Evening: Architecture"

The role and importance of cultural spaces in the life of the city. Innovation in public buildings and performance design.

Special guests: arch. Gilma Teodora Gylytė, DO Architects, arh. Birute Vardas and arch. Andreas Vardas, Vardas Studio    

arh. Gilma Teodora Gylytė, DO Architects

Gilma Teodora Gylytė is a driving force in human-oriented architecture, where she pushes for innovative and extraordinary changes in Lithuania. She co-founded DO ARCHITECTS in 2013 and is renowned for her many creative projects

Gilma leads projects that create significant positive impact and inspire others. She created the concept and design prototype of the Naugarduko Street Park in Vilnius, which led to the creation of the official Vilnius Street Design Manual – the first in the Baltics. She is known for the transformations of Soviet-era projects such as the Peledziukas state kindergarten, where the restrictive kindergarten routine was significantly changed, and for the urban transformation of the Ogmios district from a military base to a public and commercial area. Gilma is working hard on integrating contemporary architecture into protected heritage areas, such as the transformation of Vainiai Pallace into a public space, food market, offices and apartments; or an ongoing project for a high school and hotel complex near the protected heritage site of the Baroque church of St Philip and St Jacob, as well as dozens of other projects.

Gilma Teodora Gylyte, together with colleagues at DO ARCHITECTS, has been nominated 6 times for the most prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award for Contemporary Architecture in Europe, won 5 main awards at the annual Lithuanian Contemporary Architecture Awards.

arh. Birute Vardas and arch. Andreas Vardas, Vardas Studio

Vardas Studio’s work in Cyprus includes a number of individual houses, housing estates as well as public buildings and a large number of competitions. The office has won numerous awards in competitions as well as the President of the Republic of Cyprus Award. It has also represented Cyprus in the European Mies Van Der Rohe Awards.      

2017 Mies Van Der Rohe Award Nomination AB House

2015 Mies Van Der Rohe Award Nomination George Michael House

2015 Mies Van Der Rohe Award Nomination Prodromos and Desi Residence

2013 Republic of Cyprus President’s Medal Fameline Offices

2010 Republic of Cyprus President’s Medal Western Pedestrian Promenade

2003 Mies Van Der Rohe Award Nomination Stella Neoptolemou Residence

2000 Mies Van Der Rohe Award Nomination George and Maria Mosfili Residence

1998 Mies Van Der Rohe Award Nomination Maria Varda Residence

18.30 - 20.30

Regional Architecture Meeting Moldova 2022 - R.A.M. 2022, Award Ceremony