Valentina Druțu

Valentina Druțu, visual artist, lives and works in Iași, carrying out a sustained varied activity on the national and international scene of visual arts. The artist creates numerous exhibitions with a rich activity, especially in the field of painting and interior design.

Graduate of the National Academy of Arts “G. Enescu”, class of 1995, professor Liviu Suhar and since 2020 she is a PhD student at the same university, visual arts field. In 1996 she became a member of the Union of Visual Artists in Romania, Iași branch, and in 2006 a member of the Board of Directors of UAP Iaşi. Since 1995 she has been working at the National Museum of Art Iași – Palace of Culture, as a museographer, becoming the head of this museum between 2007-2021. Currently she is the manager of the “Moldova” National Museum Complex Iasi. In the fields of painting and interior design, she is one of the representative artists of her generation, with art works displayed in museums and private collections in the country and abroad (USA, Great Britain, Greece, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Sweden).

“About the painting of Mrs. Valentina Druțu, in a few words we can structure the following phrase: delicacy, femininity, imagination, colour refinement of the palette, a remarkable sense of harmony, a kind of calm and emotional warmth that envelops the contemplative viewer enchanting him when he is in front of a canvas. Professionally related to painting, her constant and successful concerns for the interior design have been highly appreciated by the beneficiaries and the public who have the opportunity to be in those functionally designed spaces, stylistically and refined-aesthetic in several public institutions in some of the cities of Romania” (Liviu Suhar, PhD).