Albert Kaan

Albert Kaan (b.1993 Sinaia) lives and works in Bucharest, Romania.

He is a graduate of the Nicolae Tonitza Fine Art Highschool, Bucharest, Sculpture techniques (2012), National University of Fine Arts-Bucharest, Bachelor of Fine Art – Sculpture (2016), Master’s degree at UNArte, Sculpture Department (2018).

He always had a wide range of interests regarding different mediums of expression, which include the field of sculpture, land art and stage design.

In 2015 he discovered his passion for light, when he did his first live projection on one of his sculptures. Inspired by everything that surrounds him, he uses natural elements and enhances them with light installations, creating contrasting images that resemble dimensions outside the real world. His work is driven by irony and metaphysics, and is usually inspired by the space that is being offered.

He enjoys creating spontaneous peculiar objects, and loves seeing them blend in with new spaces.