The second edition of Moldova Film Festival, curated around the concept Re:start, brings to the fore the films of the german director Angela Schanelec. Her films have a rhythm and tone all their own — mysterious yet moving, they unearth the metaphysics rumbling beneath the placid surface of everyday life. Her work with actors is like that of no other filmmaker, a radical approach to performance that draws on her own background in theater traditions as much as a kind of Bressonian anti-naturalism. Likely the most singular among the contemporary German filmmakers collectively known as the Berlin School (which also includes Christian Petzold, Thomas Arslan, and Valeska Grisebach), Schanelec makes films that achieve nothing less than the rendering of the human soul on screen. 

During this edition of RCWxMFF, Schanelec joins us for an almost complete retrospective of her astonishing and audacious body of work, plus a small selection of films picked by the filmmaker herself.

Location: Romanian Literature Museum - Pogor Memorial House, Iași