Son Mezon

SON MEZON atelier is born from the passion of the creator Alina Sonmez for modelling the shapes of costumes, the expressive processing of fabrics, and the detail.

This time, the Antineutral collection interprets deconstructivism, which it proposes as an endless source of inspiration for gender-fluid creations.

Permanently interested in the creative process, her proposals reflect a personal vision and artistic taste, an approach in which digital ideas are translated into experimental techniques of pattern deconstruction and re-assembly of the fragment to finally obtain a complex, unique and suggestive image.


Alina Sonmez is currently studying for a fashion master’s degree at UNArte Bucharest, after graduating from the Fashion Department at the university in 2021.


SON MEZON proposes contemporary nongender fashion collections in limited series, handmade outfits marked by the uniqueness of the creator.