Fashion Department

GROUP SHOW: 2nd and 3rd year of B.A.

Coordinator Professor: Lecturer Alina Maria Griga PhD.

In the fashion domain, “On Cloud” proposes an investigation of the possibilities of creativity in contemporaneity which will involve a prospective exploration and an experimental practice, while at the same time offering an innovative dimension to the artistic expression in the field of fashion and costume arts.

Students’ solutions show their ability to conceptualize and crystallize their fashion ideas by identifying the expressive interpretation of the subject.

Starting from the perspective of the expressive interpretation of the concept, the students’ proposals highlight their capacity to develop and enhance fashion ideas.

The project focuses on the transposition of ideas, employing artistic skills in the processing of fabric, details, accessories, according to different transparency levels.

The interpretation of shape and volume of female or male patterns in relation to proportions of the human body beyond a gendered perspective.

In their sthenic chromatics with simultaneous contrasts, the outfits communicate an obvious sense of optimism.