Atelier Hamza

Founded in 2019, Atelier Hamza is a clothing brand based in Bucharest.

We take our inspiration from the the simple things and the small subtleties. All can be found within the fancy and the casual.All it takes is either looking at a straight line or a scribble.

Monochrome background and a material that worships the skin. We started from the small statements that we ignore on a daily basis: 

“calm your mind”  “most people cannot handle freedom” “ embrace the pain”.

We use clothes as shields, very often, but most often, we forget they are a way of expressing ourselves.

The minimalist design makes way for each and everyone to express themselves as they feel not as the clothing dictates . His or her emotions, personalities, thoughts, vibes. 

Our embroideries marks the hidden details we keep inside ourselves, now brought up to the surface.

It’s like a manifesto. But one you must let other discover, not show.