Lionel Jadot

Lionel Jadot Born in Brussels in 1969, Lionel Jadot is an interior designer, artist, designer, filmmaker, adventurer. But preferably all at the same time. He is firing on all cylinders. “I don’t throw anything away, I pick up. I don’t have a green thumb, I try cuttings, unnatural marriages. I never forget a line. » He invites you into subtle, quirky worlds bordering on reality. Its matter is dilated time. The traveler spirit seeks a protective balance in a hostile world.

For Lionel Jadot, everything is an object, everything is history. He draws on other places, other times, and looks for what binds them. He sews, seams, re-sews, combines materials, combines eras. He encases wood in metal, minerals in plants, old in new.

Architect, the place inspires him a story. A filmmaker, he invents a story in a place that does not (yet) exist. This is his constant question: what becomes of the place where we live?