Claudiu Ciobanu

Claudiu Ciobanu belongs to the young generation of artists from Iași, rejuvenating and offering new meanings to contemporary painting. Born on 8th June in Bârlad, the artist holds both a BA and an MA degree from the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design within the “George Enescu” National University of Arts in Iași. He has participated in various national and European exhibitions and has received several awards in Romanian Art Salons.

In his latest creative worksheet, exhibited at the “Victoria” Gallery in Iași in 2019 and a constant preoccupation in his studio, Claudiu Ciobanu returns to a state of colour by re-contextualizing not only some images but also an entire concept and accumulations, each of them decanted within previous exhibitions, outputs that revealed “enlightened moments”, “intimacy”, “self-discoveries and ascension” (exhibition “Logos” – Gallery “Dana”) or unmasked the “golden” superficiality (“Golden Leaf” exhibition – N. Tonitza Gallery).

Claudiu Ciobanu rejects a pre-established narrative and a traditional way of telling and starts towards an undirected imagery, which generates its own narrative. A first element, that of elevation, of ascension, evokes a state that transcends worldly knowledge, in which the boundaries between self and the outside world are exceeded, being a symbol of enlightenment, associated with meditation and mysticism, but also of time.